“Thank You”s

As I’ve said in previous posts I have IBM. I have found out there are not enough “Please” and “Thank You”s to express my appreciation for the care I am being given by my wife, Janis. Without her dedication to taking care of me I would be a very lonely, lost soul. Janis is my rock and the love of my life. We have been married 65 years and I thank God for putting her into my life in 1957.
As I get older and begin to reflect on the past, things that have happened to me has strengthened my belief in Divine Providence. A lot of little things that went unnoticed when they happened have become very helpful in my dealing with IBM. There are too many to count that have contributed to my well-being and safety while dealing with IBM. Going to church and thanking God and reflecting on the good things in my life comforts me.

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