Pray for California

Unfortunately I live in California and the my representative is John Garamendi and my governor is Gavin Newsom; both support sanctuary cities, planned Parenthood and do not support Kate’s law. The large cities in California have you become a refuge for homelessness, appear to be public toilets and have used drug needles laying around. My governor and representative seem to be focused on Trump’s tax returns, plastic straws, gender neutral bathrooms and making sure no one is offended. Chicken Little was right, “the sky is falling”. I love California, however the individuals running the place are running it into the ground. If California is to be cleaned up, the cleaning must start at the top.

2 thoughts on “Pray for California”

  1. Chas, I just saw a Facebook post this week that said yer Guv was diverting tax money collected at the pump to preserve roads and bridges, to other purposes. I think this might be the fourth or fifth time over the past twenty years where taxes were boosted to protect road infrastructure, but later diverted. There’s and old saying, “Fool me once…” but FOUR times?!

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