The Great “there” hunt

When I was young, I became a Boy Scout and remember my first overnight camping trip with a Boy Scout Troop. The big thing first time Boy Scout campers were subjected to, was a snipe hunt. Roaming around in the dark with a flashlight looking for the great snipe I finally came back to the campsite and was informed there was no such thing as a snipe. The older Scouts apologized, and we all had a good laugh. It became a bit of an embarrassment to me for two or three more scout meetings finally I was able to laugh at myself for falling for such a ruse.
The Mueller report appears to be the equivalent of a snipe hunt. Desperately searching for “there” that really wasn’t there, the Democrats have come up empty-handed. Their desire to find something to pin on Donald Trump so he could be removed from office has failed. They will not stop harassing the President in spite of the fact but not finding any “there” there is getting tiresome too many voters.
Despite the problems facing the country it appears to the Democrats there is no greater problem than trying to get rid of the POTUS to assuage their disappointment of Hillary losing the presidency.
Wasting their time on a continuing list of “snipe hunts” is not what those that elected them expected. The Democrats reluctance to address problems facing united States, in participating in finding solutions for those problems is exposing them to be fools only interested in getting control.

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