Imagine how the Senate would look

Imagine for a moment what the Senate would look like if each state elected their senators in the same manner as the presidential election is done by an electoral college form of voting. Each County within the state would have one senatorial electoral vote. Rural areas of the state would get much more attention and feel they were as important as those that lived in urban areas. When is the last time you saw a US senator in a Rural area after any disaster. I don’t recall seeing Feinstein or Harris in Yuba or Butte county after the fires. To be elected senator in California, all you have to do is talk to people in Los Angeles and maybe San Francisco and San Diego and convince them to vote for you. I am beginning to think many elected officials are all too aware that people who work and produce will be a more discerning voter than those minions dwelling in large cities. Do you think it would change the makeup of the Senate of the United States?

One thought on “Imagine how the Senate would look”

  1. Absolutely! I’ve seen the same trend in New York State where NYC and Albany run the show. Most of the NYS is actually quite rural. Same in Maine where Portland takes it. Electoral College at the state level is an excellent idea. However, at the rate we are headed South we’ll be lucky to keep what we have.

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