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AIL Final Group DET-1

Ron Badamo, George Adamo, John Gianease, Charles Schumacher

This is a photo of the AIL crew on Okinawa when the SR-71 was retired.

The crew of the last SR-71 flight from Kadena AFB Okinawa, Japan to the Beale AFB.
RSO Jim and  Pilot Griz.

Charles and Jan Schumacher at Wake
Jim Greenwood, RSO Steve Grizbiniac, Pilot
Jim Greenwood, RSO Steve Grizbiniac, Pilot

A Wake in 318 for the SR71 Habu Det1 Kadena

2 thoughts on “”

    1. I’m doing a mental search, help me to remember if and where we worked together. At 88 my memory is slowing down.

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